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How You Can Help - Volunteer With Us

Each year, approximately $50,000 is distributed for by NOSC to charitable organizations and scholarships for the local military community. NOSC San Diego and The Sand Dollar Too store are able to do so are because of spouses like you volunteering time and energy! Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization. There are many ways to volunteer with NOSC San Diego, short-term or long-term!

Do you prefer a leadership role serving on the Executive Board?     Do you prefer volunteering in our specialty boutique shop?

Current Opportunities

Current Board Openings:

Scholarships Co-Chair - click here to apply

Interest Group Leader Openings:

Coffee Interest Group Leader - click here to apply

Outdoor Adventures  Interest Group Leader - click here to apply

Bunco or Games Interest Group Leader - click here to apply

Other Interest Group Ideas? Email

If you have questions prior to applying, please reach out at:

Store Volunteer

Training takes place for 2-3 shifts and is conducted one-on-one or in small groups.  You don't have to work alone, you are welcome to bring a buddy to your shift.  Partial shifts can be arranged if you can't commit to an entire shift. Store hours are typically 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM. You are not required to commit to a certain amount of days each month, although if you prefer a consistent schedule, we will gladly accommodate.

Additionally, The Sand Dollar Too Shop has occasional evening and weekend events.  There are special projects to be worked on, inventories to be conducted, and several other ways to help the store if you're unable to work a typical shift.

Ready to volunteer or have additional questions? Please reach out at:

Stay social with us using the links below!

Naval Air Station North Island

Coronado, CA 92118

*Base access required

Mailing Address:

941 Orange Ave, Box 233

Coronado, CA 92118

Phone: (619) 775-9547

This is a non-federal entity, not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components, and has no governmental status.

Naval Officers' Spouses' Club of San Diego is recognized by the IRS as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.